
This past week, I was stranded in New Mexico after the brakes failed on the truck. Even though life dealt a curveball, we made the best of it. Though the truck is still in parts, awaiting specific nuts to put it back together, and after finally waiting to get a vehicle as all of them are rented over a holiday from (July 4th ), we ended up in the back roads open (High Road to Taos), not checking into a hotel that had gophers all over the place, and found out one of the kids gets car sick. Though there were several stops and unexpected issues, I would not trade the experience. I was able to sit and have a cup of coffee watching the sunrise. I was disconnected from the worldly distractions.

During this past time off, I did remember what Dr. Bean said about so much information at our fingertips. Given modern day technology. It sets our nervous system on fire. It puts us in overdrive. We are constantly bombarded. As it might seem silly, it was great to be away from all that because our physiology has not changed in the society has changed so rapidly in the last century. Stage two has commenced which will be recovery of the truck and or camper at the same time pending on when the truck is ready.

Nature disconnect

Embracing Personal Values and Priorities: A Path to Authenticity and Fulfillment


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