Gratitude even in our darkest times

We #work work for hours, days, and years, yet...
it is the small things and memorable moments for which we live and by which we thrive.

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As physicians, we study for years to obtain a coveted residency spot. We work and study our tails off during residency, while trying to maintain some type of normalcy. Looking back, sometimes it was impossible depending on the rotation. However, the strength and ties and camaraderie and medicine are found in very few fields. You know the pain and the struggle. If you have gone through it. It is difficult to tell someone who has never been through that type of training or environment. Having said that, so many of my patients, one in particular, taught me gratitude. He taught me even more so than anything else I have ever encountered to maintain grace to maintain appreciation above all, even in our darkest times. When I become distraught or have a difficult week, I remember that patient. I am truly thankful I was able to encounter him in the patient physician arena.


Gratitude, Boundaries, and No.


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